Who We Are

Eli Rabinowitz – Australia

Bio for Australian Educator – Eli Rabinowitz.
Eli, an economist, filmmaker and genealogist, researches family and Jewish cultural history and writes about Jewish life and travel on his website, elirab.me. Eli also manages 85 KehilaLink websites for JewishGen.org, which has a user base of over 500,000 registered users worldwide.

International Jewish and genealogical publications and websites have published Eli’s work. He has lectured in the UK, the U.S., Poland, Lithuania, Israel, South Africa, and Australia.

In 2017, Eli established the Partisans’ Song Project, a global initiative. He co-ordinates online collaborative classes of schools in South Africa and the Former Soviet Union. Eli is an Upstander and dedicated to the philosophy of teaching “from generation to generation”


Documentary about WE ARE HERE! – Herzlia School and Highlands House, Cape Town


Nance Morris Adler – USA

Nance Morris Adler

Nance Morris Adler has a Master’s in Judaic Studies from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Since 2005, she has taught at the Jewish Day School (JDS) of Metropolitan Seattle. Nance has taught in all grades K -8 at JDS. She is also experienced teaching high school students and adults in a variety of Synagogue schools. Nance’s specialty is the Holocaust and she is a Museum Teachers Fellow at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, and a Powell Fellow at the Holocaust Center for Humanity in Seattle. She has 100s of hours of additional training in the Holocaust through Yad Vashem, Centropa, Facing History and Ourselves and other institutions. She was a Curriculum Fellow at Pardes Institute in 2011. Nance created her own curriculum for teaching about the rise of Hitler and Nazism in the 1930s for fifth graders and this work was published in English and Russian. Multiple articles about her work teaching Jewish history were published including coauthoring a chapter on creating Upstanders in her classroom for the book “It Is Being Done in Social Studies.” The lesson plan presented as part of this project was a 2018 finalist for the Twersky Prize awarded by Jewish Women’s Archives.



Danuta Chosinska – Poland

José Manuel Marcos Sáiz – Spain


This is José Manuel MARCOS SAIZ. He was born in 1965 in Burgos, Spain. He has been working as a History and Geography teacher in different public secondary schools throughout Spain for 27 years, 8 of them as an in-service teacher trainer. He has degree in Geography and History and a high degree (similar to master) in Contemporary History from the University of Valladolid and a postgraduate in secondary education. He has also specialized in Twentieth Century History, Spanish Civil War, World War II and Holocaust studies attending numerous national and international seminars and workshops in Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Spain and Israel.

He belongs to a local association that works to find mass graves of the Spanish Civil War and shares these experiences in secondary schools. They pay tribute to the victims in order to restore their memory, dignity and justice, common objectives with annihilated Jews in Europe during the Holocaust.

He is currently the Head of the Department of Geography and History at the IES Enrique Flórez in his home town of Burgos: a public high school where are available the last pre-university stage -called Baccalaureate-as well as vocational studios. He teaches Contemporary World History, History of Spain and Geography of Spain to the 16 – 18 year old baccalaureate students. http://iesenriqueflorez.centros.educa.jcyl.es

Tamara Vershitskaya – Belarus

I was born on 10.10.1957, graduated from the State Linguistic University in Minsk, Belarus, English Department, in 1979.

Being a director of the Museum of History and Regional Studies in Novogrudok since 1989, I created a permanent exhibition on a separate ground – the Jewish Resistance Museum – in 2007. The memorial exhibition is devoted to two acts of the most successful Jewish resistance in Europe during the Nazi occupation – the escape of the ghetto prisoners through the tunnel and the Bielski partisan detachment, the largest Jewish family partisan unit in Europe. At the moment I’m a researcher and curator of the Jewish Resistance Museum.

For two years (2013-2015) I coordinated Belarusian part of a cross-border project ‘Shtetl Routes. Vestiges of Jewish cultural heritage in cross-border tourism’ financed by the EU.

Topics of research:

1. WWII and Holocaust in the area of Novogrudok in the context of relations of people of different nationalities and faiths.

2. Legacy of Adam Mickiewicz, a well-known Polish poet born in Novogrudok, and his possible impact on Christian-Jewish relations in the area of Novogrudok.

3. Jewish cultural heritage in the western regions of Belarus. Publications:

Research about the Holocaust in Novogrudok and life under the Nazi occupation was published in the book ‘Was bleibt?’ by Hartmut Winterfeldt (Germany, 2008);

About 30 articles in the Encyclopedia ‘Holocaust on the territory of the Soviet Union’(Moscow, 2009)
A dozen of articles for the ‘Encyclopedia of Camps and ghettos, 1933-1945 (the USHMM, 2010)

Publications on the topics of research in numerous conference proceedings, including:

  1. a)  The Holocaust and Resistance in Novogrudok (Belarus), The Thirteenth AnnualInternational Interdisciplinary Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow, 2006
  2. b)  Jewish women-partisans in Belarus, Crisis and Credibility in the Jewish-Christian World: Remembering Franklin H. Little, The Fortieth Annual Scholar’s Conferenceon the Holocaust and the Churches, Temple University, 2011.
  3. c)  Legacy of Adam Mickieiwcz – Contribution to the European and World Culture, TheSecond Congress of Scholars of Polish Origin, Conference on the Contribution ofPoles into the Culture of the Country They Were Born in, Olsztyn, 2012
  4. d)  5 articles in the Guidebook ‘Shtetl Routes’, 2016-17

Organized conferences and seminars:

  1. Conferences on the history and culture of the Novogrudok region (1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2012)
  2. Seminars on teaching about the Holocaust (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007)
  1. Educational summer session together with the Russian Educational Holocaust Center (2009)
  2. Conference on Jewish history and culture as part of history and culture of Belarus (2011)

Translated books:

  1. ‘Surviving the Holocaust with the Russian Jewish partisans’ by Jack Kagan and Dov Cohen (Minsk, 1999) from English into Belarusian and from English into Russian (published under the title ‘Holocaust and Resistance in the land of Adam Mickiewicz’ (Moscow, 2011)
  2. ‘Kraj Lat Dziecinnych’, a book of memoirs by Jan Bulhak, from Polish into Belarusian (Minsk, 2006);
  3. a series of articles from English into Russian published in the book ‘Antisemitism. Generic hatred’ (Moscow, 2009).

Documentary film experience:

  1. Ray Meers programme ‘Extreme Survival’ about the Bielski partisans, BBC (Bristol), 2002 – a researcher and interpreter
  2. ‘Do you know who you are?’ (England) about Natasha Kaplinski, BBC (London), 2006 – a researcher and interpreter
  3. ‘You think you know who you are’ (USA) about Lisa Kudrow, BBC (Los Angeles), 2009 – a researcher and interpreter
  4. Documentary ‘Tunnel of Hope’ by D. Schwartz (Israel), 2012 – consultant.
  5. Documentaries ‘Guardians of Memory’ and ‘Till the Last Step’ by Boris Mafzir, an Israeli documentary film director, 2014-2016 – a consultant and one of the characters.
  6. Documentary ‘The Book of Curses’ based on the diary written by Benjamin Berkovich, a prisoner of the Novogrudok ghetto (2010-2017) – idea, a researcher and co-producer.
  7. Documentary ‘Le Chaim!’, 2018 – a script-writer.


Ruth Leiserowitz – Poland / Germany

Ruth_Leiserowitz_Portrait.JPG (654×1356)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in German(July 2016) Click [show] for important translation instructions.
Ruth Leiserowitz
Ruth Leiserowitz
Born Ruth Kibelka
December 25, 1958 (age 59)
Nationality German
Occupation Historian
Academic background
Alma mater Free University of Berlin
Academic work
Discipline Post-World War II German history

Ruth Leiserowitz (born Ruth Kibelka, December 25, 1958, in PrenzlauBrandenburg) is a German historian. Her work and study primarily deal with the wolf children, a group of German children orphaned at the end of World War II in East Prussia. Since 2009, she has been the deputy director of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. In 2014, she was awarded the Cross of Merit First Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by German president Joachim Gauck.[1]


  • Auch wir sind Europa: zur jüngeren Geschichte und aktuellen Entwicklung des Baltikums (We are also Europe: The recent history and current development of the Baltics); 1991; ISBN 3-7466-0052-9
  • Leben danach: Nordostpreussen 1986–1993 (Afterlife: East Prussia 1986–1993) (with Ann Tenno); 1995; ISBN 3-7921-0559-4
  • Wolfskinder: Grenzgänger an der Memel (Wolf children: Commuters at Memel); 1996; ISBN 3-86163-064-8
  • Vilko Vaikai – kelias per Nemuną (Wolf’s children through the Neman); 2000; ISBN 9955-00-014-7
  • Ostpreußens Schicksalsjahre 1944–1948 (East Prussian years of fate 1944–1948); 2000; ISBN 3-351-02505-X
  • Memellandbuch: Fünf Jahrzehnte Nachkriegsgeschichte (Memelland Book: Five decades of postwar history); 2002; ISBN 3-86163-128-8
  • Von Ostpreußen nach Kyritz: Wolfskinder auf dem Weg nach Brandenburg (From East Prussia to Kyritz: Wolf children on the way to Brandenburg); 2003; ISBN 3-932502-33-7
  • Sabbatleuchter und Kriegerverein: Juden in der ostpreußisch-litauischen Grenzregion 1812–1942 (Sabbath candlesticks and warrior clubs: Jews in the East Prussian-Lithuanian border region 1812–1942); 2010; ISBN 978-3-938400-59-3


  1.  “Deputy Director Ruth Leiserowitz Receives Prestigious Award” (in German). February 26, 2015. Archived from the original on December 16, 2015. Retrieved July 13, 2016.

External Links

Simonas Jurkstaitis – Lithuania

Simonas Jurkštaitis lives in Vilnius, Lithuania. He was born in Anykščiai district of Lithuania. Simonas received a Bachelor’s degree in History at the University of Vilnius and did an additional program at the University of Lithuania in Educology. Simonas has devoted his study of history to researching lost Jewish communities in Lithuania and contributed an article on Jewish economic life prior to the Holocaust to a book about the community of Kupiškis. Simonas is active with Centropa, which is where he met Nance, and attended their 2017 Summer Academy. He has also presented for Centropa at the Summer Academy, as well as for Lithuanian teachers at a seminar in Klaipėda. Simonas teaches history and geography at the Pažinimo Medis Middle School in Vilnius. He is also the Quiz Master for “Protų lygaarba ko nežino Kazys.” This past summer Simonas hosted Nance in Lithuania and together they explored the Jewish Cemetery of his hometown, a wooden Synagogue in Kurklių, Jewish Kaunas (Kovno), had a meeting at the US Consulate to discuss the work of We Are Here, and attended the premier of “The Good Nazi” by invitation of the US Consulate.  

Professor Lynne Cohen – Executive Dean of the School of Education,
Edith Cowan University

Prof Lynne Cohen, immediate past Executive Dean Faculty of Education and Arts Pro-Vice-Chancellor Engagement, Edith Cowan University

Michael Cohen – Jewish Educator, Melbourne

Michael Cohen


Dr Michael Cohen is a Jewish educator.

Former Director of Community Relations and Research at Melbourne’s Jewish Holocaust Centre 2010-2018), Michael served for two decades as Bialik College Vice-Principal, Melbourne, for a decade on Melbourne’s Mount Scopus Memorial College’s staff, and earlier as Vice-Principal of Cape Town’s United Herzlia Schools. He also served as Executive Director of the former Australian Institute of Jewish Affairs and Asia Pacific Jewish Association, and has been involved in adult education and Jewish communal life in several capacities both in South Africa and, for over four decades, in Australia. His doctoral research focussed on particular aspects of antisemitism i n South Africa

Joanna Fox – The Friends of Israel


Joanna Fox – Friends of Israel – Executive Committee

Fadzi Whande – Whande Group

Fadzi Whande 
Jesse John Fleay – Edith Cowan University

Jesse J. Fleay BA MProfComms MResPrac

Jesse J. Fleay is a Senior Research Officer at the Australia Indigenous HealthInfoNetand a Lecturer at Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia (WA). Jesse was a Perth delegate to the Referendum Council’s Regional Dialogues on constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, where he was elected to the national dialogue at Uluru. Having worked on the Statement from the Heart with other delegates, and the roadmap for the campaign, he was then elected youth convenor, and appointed to the Statement from the Heart Working Group. Jesse holds a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Politics and International Relations, a Master of Professional Communications specialising in Media and Cultural Studies, and a Master of Research Practice. He holds elementary proficiency in French, and can speak Noongar, an Aboriginal language from the South-West of Australia. Along with Senior Research Fellow, Dr Michael Adams, Jesse is undertaking primary research in Far North Queensland, the Gold Coast, and the Gulf of Carpentaria, with the Valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young Men project, funded by the Lowitja Institute. Jesse has publications in ab-Original, Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples’ CulturesEducational Philosophy and Theory, Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, and the International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies. Also up and coming is his book chapter for a university level social worker textbook, along with Dr Adams and a host of international Indigenous scholars. His primary research in Qld and WA will result in a major report on male health by mid-2019.


Stuart Rhine-Davis
Director of Music
Ellenbrook Secondary College
100 Main Street, Ellenbrook WA 6069

Stuart Rhine –Davis has had a long and illustrious career, teaching Music in all three educational systems in West Australian Schools for thirty seven years. Commencing his music education in England, Stuart immigrated to Australia with his family at the age of eight and quickly settled into life and music education in Perth.

This began in earnest when he attended Mt Lawley Senior High School and he has never looked back. Stuart turned professional in his late teens and performed in many ensembles around Perth including the Karrinyup Symphony Orchestra with David Helfgott. Classically trained, Stuart’s musical interests have been highly eclectic ranging from the classics through to Jazz and Contemporary Electronic Music. 

Stuart plays a variety of instruments; composes and arranges for ensembles and contemporary bands; produces and manages performers; conducts several ensembles, performs professionally and is often called upon to advise educational bodies including the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. He was also heavily involved in the development and implementation of the WACE program and is currently a WACE/ATAR Performance Examination Marker and Exam Checker. He is also highly sort after by many schools as a panel member for Yr 12 Moderation and has been guest Eisteddfod adjudicator on several occasions.

Stuart is a foundation staff member of Ellenbrook Secondary where he has held the position as Head of Arts and Director of Music over the past twelve years. During this time he has enabled the College to achieve Specialist Music status and achieve the status as a finalist in the Swan Excellence Awards for Promoting Public Education (2010) He has also overseen the development and growth of the Music Department and Instrumental Ensemble program which has achieved awards of Outstanding in the A Division State Competitions, as well as initiated and organized overseas and interstate music tours to Canberra (2010), New Zealand (2013) and an Arts Tour to Melbourne (2015). He is currently preparing a National Music Tour to Queensland where his choir will be competing in the ASPIRE Music Festival in Brisbane July 2019. Stuart was also part of the Methodist Ladies’ College 2001 tour to Vienna Austria and Llangollen Wales where the vocal ensembles achieved first place and fourth place respectively in International Competition.

Stuart is also a recipient of the Premier’s Australia Day HonoursAward 2006 for Active Citizenship for his work in association with the RSLWA and has been a Finalist in the Premier’s Teacher of the Year Award (2006), a National Excellence in Teaching Awards State and Territory winner (2007), and a National Finalist in the National Excellence in Teaching Awards (2007). Stuart’s ongoing professional association with the RSLWA has enabled him to initiate and implement the Bugle Program for Secondary School Brass players in WA (2015) and sees the Ellenbrook Secondary College Specialist Music students as regular performers at all RSLWA commemoration ceremonies. He is highly regarded and respected by his peers; his school community, parents and students and has a local, national and international reputation. Stuart’s abilities and achievements have also been recognized and acknowledged in both Federal and State Parliament, having been named as a Teacher of Excellence. 

Stuart is also a member of several professional organisations and associations including:

  • ABODA (Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association), 
  • ASME (Australian Society of Music Educators), 
  • WAM (Western Australian Music Association), 
  • MCA (Music Council of Australia) 
  • IAJE (International Association of Jazz Educators)
  • College Council and Board Member for Ellenbrook Secondary College (2007 –)

Stuart is married to Anne and has two sons André and Jarod who are graduates of UWA and Curtin University in Perth.

Suzanne Kosowitz

Suzanne Kosowitz is a composer based in Perth, Australia. Her compositions are notable for their vibrant rhythms and ethereal textures. Her most recent works have been performed at the Mostly Modern Festival (USA), Atlantic Music Festival (USA), Gondwana National Choral School (Sydney) and in the West Australian Symphony Orchestra’s Composers Project. 

Many of her works are drawn from her Jewish roots, which she combines with other influences such as jazz, classical and world music. She is deeply passionate about music’s power to bring people together, and often collaborates with other artists from diverse cultural and artistic backgrounds. Through her work and flagship klezmer ensemble Kol Nafshi (My Soul’s Voice), Suzanne aims to connect cultures through music.

Betyna Bock 

Betyna Bock was born in Prague in 1946 after the War. She emigrated to Sydney in 1948 with her parents, who were Holocaust Survivors. Betyna began to write poetry and prose when she was 12 years old. She  attended the Conservatorium High School of Music and then the University of Sydney, where  she studied psychology and music. Later on she also took up singing. 

After graduating from University, Betyna  went on to practice as a psychologist/psychotherapist.  She now works in private practice  under her married name Bettina Ebert. Over the past fifteen years Betyna has sung Yiddish and Hebrew with her daughter Nogah. Her son Benjamin has followed in his mother’s footsteps to become a psychologist. Betyna’s current poetry is about her experiences as the only daughter of Holocaust Survivors. 

Daniella Van Niekerk

Daniella Van Niekerk, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

A Foundation Phase education student at Stellenbosch University.

I am a final year education student at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. My specialization field is that of the Foundation Phase education. Foundation Phase education includes learners between the ages of 5-9. I aspire to be a teacher that identifies the individual potential of each learner and developing them holistically into a well-rounded, happy child. It is my belief that learners’ learning is strongly influenced by their history, their culture and their home environment. I therefore firmly believe that learners need to acknowledge their culture and heritage in order to move forward. Once they know where they come from, they will know where they are heading. That is why I want to have a part in the development of the whole of a child, to ensure that they can be the best version of themselves, regardless of what constraints society might place on their culture and heritage. I want to have a part in the development of children who will be whoever they believe they can be.  

Professional Experience – Entropic Tutors 2018 / 2019

  • Tutor: Assisting learners in various school subjects to achieve their personal best when it comes to studying for exams, completing tasks and finalizing homework. Highest accomplishment includes the progression to the next grade of a student that was once verge of failing the year due to unrealized potential in Mathematics. 


More photos


With Nance Adler In Seattle, USA
With Tamara Vershitskaya in Slonim, Belarus
With Simonas Jurkstaitis in Vilnius
With Danuta Chosinska in Warsaw
With Michael & Prof. Ruth Leiserowitz in Warsaw
With Laima Ardaviciene in Kedainiai, Lithuania
With  Professor Lynne Cohen
With Viv Parry & Michael Cohen
With Fadzi Whande
With Jesse John Fleay – Edith Cowan Uni

17 January 2021
Rosie Walker & Eran Fitoussi
Bill & Pat Allen
Gabriele Maluga, Gerhard Janssen & Gabriele
Lynne & Richard Cohen
Jaana Wilson
Cathy Baron
Jill Rabinowitz