New research website:
The Music of Resistance and Survival concert is a unique melding of musical and educational components that provides meaningful Holocaust remembrance relevant to our current world. Audiences are edified by the stories of creators of Holocaust songs from the partisans, ghettos, and concentration camps, by their moving music, and by the incorporation of their songs in Laurence Sherr’s Judaic-inspired Sonata for Cello and Piano–Mir zaynen do!. This sonata builds a bridge from the past to the present, and all of the music deepens and enriches the audience experience by touching people in a way that is beyond language, words, and facts, yet that makes the stories of the music’s creators more immediate and compelling. The subtitle of Sherr’s sonata–Mir zaynen do! (We Are Here!)–is a refrain from creator Hirsh Glik’s Zog nit keynmol, one of the featured partisan songs.
A student version of the Music of Resistance and Survival concert is available, and has been presented during school hours on the day of the public concert. Educational materials and lesson plans for ages 10–18, developed especially for the Music of Resistance and Survival Project, are available online. Project goals for both the public and student concerts are to engender remembrance relevant to our current world, and to increase awareness, tolerance, and respect.
The impact of Music of Resistance and Survival events has led to its remarkable success, demonstrated by the press coverage and laudatory responses from audience members, professionals, and participants on four continents.
