The great grandson and great great granddaughters of William Cooper attended with members of the Jewish community.
Eli Rabinowitz, Dr Gabriele Maluga, Jill Rabinowitz, Dr Bill Allen ECUThis photo, from left: Ken and Judith Arkwright – Ken Arkwright is a Holocaust survivor originally from Breslau Germany. Dr Richard & Prof Lynne Cohen – Lynne Cohen is the former Vice Chancellor of Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley. Ester Steingiesser – Honorary Vice Consul of Brazil in WA. Eli and Jill Rabinowitz – WE ARE HERE! Foundation. Dr Gabriele Maluga – Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in WA. Mary and Lance Turner with their daughters
St Georges’ Anglican Grammar School Vocal Ensemble
Fr Noe Navarrete Apaez, the Spiritual Director of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Simon Millman MLA, Ken & Judith Arkwright, Aviva & Rabbi David Freilich
William Cooper marched from his home in Footscray to the Nazi consulate in Melbourne on 6 December 1938, to protest Kristallnacht. His petition was only officially acknowledged by the German government in 2020!
To educate about the horror of Kristallnacht and the Holocaust and to let you know the amazing story about how Aboriginal people in faraway Australia, led by William Cooper, protested the treatment of Jews by the Nazis, I have my book Shattered Lives Broken Dreams free as an ebook for 5 days. Kristallnacht was 9-10 Nov so my book will be available free from Monday, November 8, 2021, 12:00 AM PST (Pacific Time, USA) to Friday, November 12, 2021, 11:59 PM PST. Bear in mind the …
Prendiville Catholic School Middle Choir & David Hicks Photo – Vicky StewartKeynote address – Malcolm McCusker Photo – Vicky Stewart
Stuart Rhine-Davis (music director Ellenbrook Secondary College), Lance Turner (great grandson of William Cooper), Jessica Shaw (MLA Swan Hills & board member Ellenbrook Secondary College), Suzanne Kosowitz (composer), Eli Rabinowitz (founder WE ARE HERE! Foundation), and Simon Millman (MLA Mount Lawley)Suzanne Kosowitz & Malcolm McCusker Photo – Ivor KosowitzDavid Hicks – Prendiville Catholic College & Dr Mary Marshall – CCJWA & Eli Rabinowitz, founder of WE ARE HERE! FoundationMichele Galanti, Shirley Atlas – Carmel High School with Eli Rabinowitz, Founder of WE ARE HERE! Foundation
On The Radio
The Partisans Song in four Languages – Yiddish, Hebrew, Noongar & English sung by the joint choir of Ellenbrook Secondary College & Carmel High School. Words by Hirsh Glik, original melody by Daniel Pokrass, arranged for four languages by Suzanne Kosowitz & directed by Stuart Rhine-Davis & accompanied by Warren Bracken.
The Partisans’ Song translated into Noongar by Jesse John Fleay, was a direct result of the WE ARE HERE! Human Rights project funded by the US government. More information on our homepage.
Inscription Of Hope sung by Prendiville Middle School Chamber Choir, directed by David Hicks and accompanied by Warren Bracken
Psalm 121:1-2, 4 sung in Hebrew by Carmel School Choir, directed by Michele Galanti & accompanied by Shirley Atlas
Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC, a former Governor of Western Australia. The title of his address is: “Evil Creeps Back, If Good People Stand Aside”.
With Colin Rockman ………
Margaret Helfgott – Piano, Dr Ronniet Orlando – Violin
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’ – Edmund Burke, philosopher. Each year on 9/10 November, we commemorate Kristallnacht, Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, when Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property in Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland on that date in 1938. Some 30000 Jewish males were rounded up and taken to concentration camps. As a result of Kristallnacht, the Nazis ordered the Jewish community to pay one billion Reichsmark as compensation for the damage, and introduced many anti-Jewish laws. Kristallnacht was a turning point or watershed in the Holocaust. It was the first time that violence against Jews was coordinated on such a large scale in Nazi Germany. This year, the Perth Kristallnacht Commemoration will be held at Perth Modern School. It is being organised by the CCJWA – Council of Christians and Jews of WA. The keynote address will be delivered by Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC, a former Governor of Western Australia. The title of his address is: “Evil Creeps Back, If Good People Stand Aside”.