The Holocaust was a turning point in history which prompted the world to say, “never again”. In 2005, the UN designated January 27th – the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945 – as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual call to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and to work through education, documentation, and commemoration to prevent future acts of genocide.
This day we reaffirm our commitment to making “never again” mean just that. We gather in honour and remembrance of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, and all victims of the Nazi regime and its collaborators, persecuted for their ethnicity, political views, disabilities, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. Today, and all days, we stand against antisemitism, discrimination, and apathy.
This year, our nationwide theme of resistance reminds us of the impact the act of even a single individual can have. We remember all forms of resistance – armed and unarmed, Jewish, and non-Jewish – against the Third Reich.